Hector AR Forecast

Hector City Streets

The City of Hector works very hard to maintain our city streets to the best of our financial ability. If you are aware of any needed repairs or maintenance to city streets or right of ways, please contact the Mayor or any of the City Council members.


Excavation Permit Application

 Click here to fill out and submit an online excavation permit application or simply fill out the form and submit below

Project Information

Recently, Hector was awarded $300,000 in State Street Aid funding for street overlay. We expect this project to move forward in late 2022. Streets approved for resurfacing include: Peach, Oak, Cherry, Elm, Mulberry, and Walnut.

In January, the city applied for and was awarded $180,000 in Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) funding for the construction of new sidewalks. This is a 80/20 grant where the city is responsible for 20% of the project cost. New sidewalks will be constructed from the Hector branch of the Pope County Library to Pine Street. Additionally, a sidewalk will be constructed on Maple Street from the east side of the school campus to Wildcat Lane.

Natalie Brock, Street Dept.
11356 SR. 27
Hector, AR 72843
 479 284-5371